

LYSAGHT FLATDEK® is a modern long span cladding particularly well suited to many types of home improvement projects such as room additions, carports and awnings.  The underside of LYSAGHT FLATDEK® features clean uninterrupted lines, with an attractive gloss finish.
COLORBOND® steel Double-Sided Hi-Gloss 80% – (Underside)
COLORBOND® steel – (Topside)

In the select box below, the first colour listed is Topside colour and second colour listed is Underside colour.

Price per meter

  • Length (in mm) *

    Min: 1000Max: 8000

  • Total *

SKU: FD001 Categories: ,


LYSAGHT FLATDEK® is a modern long span cladding particularly well suited to many types of home improvement projects such as room additions, carports and awnings.  The underside of LYSAGHT FLATDEK® features clean uninterrupted lines, with an attractive gloss finish.
COLORBOND® steel Double-Sided Hi-Gloss 80% – (Underside)
COLORBOND® steel – (Topside)

First colour listed is Topside colour and second colour listed is Underside colour.

Additional information

Flatdek Colours

Surfmist and Threadbo White, Classic Cream and Classic Cream, Paper Bark and Paper Bark, Woodland Grey and Classic Cream, Manor Red and Classic Cream, Woodland Grey and Paper Bark, Woodland Grey and Threadbo White, Threadbo White and Surfmist, Classic Cream and Woodland Grey, Classic Cream and Manor Red, Paper Bark and Woodland Grey, Threadbo White and Woodland Grey